


Getting There


Arrival Address
Berghotel Schatzalp
Promenade 63
CH-7270 Davos Platz
Use this address for your navigation app.

Postal Address
Berghotel Schatzalp AG
Obere Strasse 28
CH-7270 Davos Platz

GPS coordinates
The GPS coordinates of the Schatzalp funicular station are:
Latitude: 46.797149
Longitude: 9.821477


Private Car

If you arrive by your private car, please drive to the Schatzalp funicular station and you’ll get all the further information from our staff.

Current road condition:

Public Transport

Use the public transport system to go to the valley station of the Schatzalp funicular Schatzalp-Bahn. Find here your connection to Davos Platz with the swiss railway SBB: SBB to Davos Platz.

And here you will find the timetable for the local bus from Bahnhof Davos Platz to the valley station of the Schatzalp-Bahn: VBD-Bus timetable.

By train from Zürich Airport